This conversion was a tough one! First the main problem was to make the game work with disk drives, since the game goes from 0100h to 0EEFFh, which destroys the MSX-DOS work area!

So, in order to make it work, part of the game had to be compressed - and after loading everything possible on RAM without loosing MSX-DOS, then the rest is decompressed on memory.

This game also had a problem on MSX2 or up - it wouldn't draw anything after drawing the main title screen! The problem is that the game wasn't setting the "VDP to write", so on MSX2 the game wouldn't draw anything at all (HUGE thanks to Daniel Caetano to help me find that out!)

The game only allowed the player to control Gilbert from the Joystick - now you can play with keyboard as well (cursor keys + space).

And all of that had to be implemented on a small memory area, from 7000h up to 7FFFh! As the Time Scanner conversion, besides the fixes mentioned above, this game has improved palette on MSX2 and up; it's converted to single files, so it will run from floppies to HDs.

Something peculiar: this game was very well adapted from Spectrum - it runs almost at the same speed as the original game (you can of course run it on turbo if you want a real challenge), and it also uses some sprites on the scoreboard (the four slots where object appears).

The down side of this game: on the original, when you play on a arcade machine, the scoreboard is replaced by a small view of the arcade... this graphic was removed from the MSX version - while the text that appears telling what game you're going to play is much more colorfull than the spectrum version.

ICON Games 2007 - By SLotman